Enfin, le fameux départ est arrivé... le billet pour Santiago en poche, départ annoncé pour le 14 novembre 2010, pratiquement 4 ans après mon départ pour le tour du monde. A la recherche de mon Eldorado à moi, ma cité des Dieux.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reprise but in English

After a year or so of absence from my blog, I'm going to pick it up again.

During that year I travelled from Santiago de Chile (which I left around mid March 2011) to Mendoza, then Villa Belgrano (south of Cordoba), then Buenos Aires (where I met once more with Elie the French woman I did the Carretera Austral with), then up north through Carlos Pellegrini (the little Pantanal of Argentina) to Iguazu, entered Brazil and stayed 3 months in Parati, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
I then flew to Seattle on the 1st of August 2011 to see my family. In August I rented a car and travelled by myself to to some of the North West National Parks (North Cascades, Great Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Olympics) during one month, loved every minute of it.
In September  I stayed in Seattle to enjoy my sister's family and my cheeky nieces !

In October flew back to Brazil and picked up my car (Che) to drive down to Argentina.
I rented a place during November in La Cumbre, next to Cordoba, then stayed in Buenos Aires for 3 months (December 2011 and Jan + Feb 2012).
I took up photography lessons for one month, met new people....and loved it.

But now, now I'm about to live the gaucha adventure....

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